the book of knowledge project

What do you wish you’d known and what would you like to pass on when it comes to health and wellbeing?

The Book of Knowledge project is our exciting and unique community-focused research project exploring women’s experiences of health and wellbeing.

From September 2023 to September 2024, we’re taking part in different creative activities to help us explore and share our health experiences. Focusing on the theme of ‘what I wish I’d known and what I’d like to pass on’, we’ll produce a research paper and a ‘Book of Knowledge’ to share what we’ve learnt about women’s health and what activities we found most inspiring and useful to host these conversations.

Connect with a new people, learn new skills, be at the heart of decision making and lead with your experiences and ideas!

If you want to find out more about this project, email us at or speak to Amy at The Bridge.



All women are welcome to take part in this project.

We’re particularly interested in hearing from Muslim women. This is an intergenerational project so we encourage all women aged 18+ to join us.


At The Bridge. 73-81 Southwark Bridge Road, SE1 0NQ. Find us here.


The project will take place between September 2023 and September 2024, every fourth Wednesday of the month from 18:00-20:00.


This project is completely free to take part.

Refreshments will also be provided and you’ll receive your own copy of the ‘Book of Knowledge’ at the end of the project.

further details…

who is facilitating the project?

This project is running as a partnership between The Bridge, Dr Katharine Low from King’s College London (a researcher and participatory theatre artist with expertise in women’s health) and Maryam Shaharuddin (an early career researcher and artist who works with Muslim women and in women’s health through theatre and creative writing). This project is made possible through the funding received from King’s College London’s Thematic Impact Fund.

what will the project involve?

Over twelve months, we’ll be using different creative activities to facilitate open and honest discussion about women’s experiences with health and wellbeing, exploring the theme of ‘what I wish I’d known and what I’d like to pass on’.

At the end of the project, we’ll be producing a research paper to share what we’ve learnt about how creative activities can help to facilitate open, comfortable and meaningful discussions. We'll also produce our ‘Book of Knowledge’ to share what we’ve learnt about women’s health and host a relaxed showcase event, to show friends and family what we’ve been doing throughout the year.

do I have to attend every session?

We understand that you may not be able to attend every session, but we’re looking for people to take part who want to commit to coming to as many sessions as possible.

what kind of creative activities will we be doing?

The creative activities we take part in will be decided by the group, but could include things like cooking, dance, printmaking and creative writing.

why are you running this project?

All women are experts in their bodies and experiences, but women are frequently dismissed and undermined when it comes to talking about health and wellbeing. The aim of this project is to challenge this and show the power of kind, accessible spaces for women to connect, share and learn from one another.

what are the benefits of taking part?

Throughout the project, you’ll have conversations with other women about your health. Benefits of this could include:

  • Having an improved sense of wellbeing;
  • Exploring your understanding of your body and health experiences;
  • Learning new skills and finding new creative activities which you enjoy;
  • Improved self-confidence in your knowledge and skills;
  • Gaining confidence in sharing to help others;
  • Making new friends and connecting with people in The Bridge Community;
  • Finding safety and strength in solidarity.

who makes the decisions in the project?

You’ll be involved in all decisions made in this project. What we talk about, the activities we do, how the workshops are structured, what we include in the research paper, how we create the Book of Knowledge, how we run the showcase event – all of this will be decided as a group. This space can be whatever we want it to be.

who can take part in the project?

All women are welcome to take part in this project. We're particularly interested in hearing from Muslim women.

We also understand that you might describe your gender in other ways (including but not limited to non-binary, gender fluid, gender queer and intersex) which is why we’ve asked for how you identify as part of the application process.